I have never been really good at keeping plants alive. When the kids were all at home and here to help out there were years that we had some pretty nice looking flowers in our yard. In fact one year the weather was very agreeable with my type of gardening and the flowers were just beautiful. I'm afraid to say that was the only time that happened, but throughout the years I continued to try. A couple of favorites I had were the hanging fuchsias, potted geraniums on the porch and petunias planted around the front porch. As time passed JJ has continued to get me a hanging fuchsia for Mother's Day. Up until the last two years Caroline always gone with me to find the flowers and help me plant them. One of our favorite activities and one that we miss doing together. The past two years I have been more occupied with working at Leta's Top Shop and Relief Society (women's organization at church), so when JJ brought me my hanging fuchsia I sighed. Don't get me wrong I loved it, but I knew that it would quickly die for I just didn't feel I had the energy that it would take in caring for it. To make a fuchsia really flourish it takes time every day with watering, feeding, pruning and talking to it, I really baby them when I can and they flourish with the babying. But this year I just didn't see where I would have the time and there would be a quick death. Yet, death did not come to it. It didn't flourish and become a thick beautiful plant, but it was living and growing and flowering. How could this be happening? Then one evening I saw my Flower Angel. She came quietly across the yard with her bowl of water and poured it over the fuchsia. It was my next door neighbor Jean. I was so surprised and yet I should not have been. I have seen her many times through out the years working in neighbors yards. When I was talking to the girls about Jean and her flowers they also told me that when they were very young and we had first moved to Washington 22 years ago the first several years Jean would always give them crocus bulbs to plant in our flowering area around the front porch. I always wondered how they appeared there. Then the other night I came home from a very long day left house early that morning for work, was gone that evening making Relief Society visits and came home at 9:30 to 10 that evening and there as I was passing my little rose bush area it was all cleaned out. I knew immediately that my Flower Angel had been at work again. My heart lifted and I smiled. What a blessing this Flower Angel has been to me through out the years. Thank you Jean for helping me keep my house beautiful with flowers.
1 week ago
I found you!
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